
Bookman Junior

Aliases Lavi, Junior, Eyepatch (Tyki), 49th (Road), Rabbit (Kanda)
Canon D.Gray-man
Timeline Chapter 170
Gender Male
Age ~20
Species Badass Bookworm
Crimes committed Attempted murder, fraud, arson, destruction of property, criminal negligence
Member of Defense Force, School
Journal hammer-time
Player Apa


Lavi is a tall, slightly bulky young man with wild red hair and green eyes. He wears a patch over his right eye, for reasons he won't disclose (he'll give you a hell of a story, though). Typically, he can be found wandering the prison grounds (or tucked under a tree reading/sleeping), in the library (reading/sleeping), or in the shelter (eating, sleeping, sometimes reading). Usually appears open and friendly, casual in speech and dress even while in uniform. Given the opportunity, he will talk a person's ear off, and ask a never-ending series of questions.  Due to his profession and rearing, he has wandering feet and a bit of a rover's mentality.


Lavi's native/thought language is English, but he is fluent in French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, German and Russian; and can function in Classical Greek. He can ask for the bathroom in Chinese, Portuguese and Romanian, and can count to three in Hindi.



"Lavi" has a knack for getting close to people and making them feel comfortable with him. He does it through goofball antics, a lot of laughter, a ready smile and an ear to listen to whatever someone wants to tell him. He pulls pranks, teases, tells jokes and rambles about whatever crosses his mind, giving himself the appearance of a gregarious, harmless, somewhat frivolous "one of the guys" who people sometimes forget is listening.  It's a talent "Lavi" has down to a science, since he's been doing it on and off since he was roughly ten years old.


Beneath that silly surface is Bookman Junior, who has a much different view on life and people.  During his apprenticeship, he has witnessed forty-eight conflicts (wars, battles, massacres, uprisings, etc.) and it has had a profound effect on him. Bookmen are trained to be neutral, to not become involved with the rest of the world; they only observe and record and move on. Feelings of any sort -- "hearts" -- are discouraged, as they invite bias and taint the record. The apprentice Bookman has spent his first forty-eight records adhering to these principles. Where age and experience have tempered Bookman's perceptions of humanity to a sort of tolerant observation, his apprentice fosters a deeply cynical and hostile attitude regarding humanity as a whole. They're useless, base, crass, disgusting animals that can't see past their own desires. They create conflict without regard for anything else. Everything great and beautiful they create they either pervert or destroy in their endless wars.


And as an outsider, an observer, the Bookmen are better than other humans. They're above them. They don't need to assert this or get acknowledgment from the masses; they simply are.


Bookman Junior's current persona, "Lavi", is causing some of those long-held beliefs to waver, but Lavi is still very much in disdain of humanity in general. What is changing, however, is his willingness to believe that certain individuals are separate from the chaff -- Allen Walker and Lenalee Lee -- and maybe a few people who are still deeply flawed humans but who have some pretty good qualities that make him not dislike them purely on principle. So his smiles for some people are a little more real, the line between persona and person a little more blurred and sometimes even he isn't sure if he's pretending or not.


The other thing "Lavi" and Bookman Junior share is a genuine love of learning. He became a Bookman because Bookman promised he would learn things no one else knew.



Intellectually: Lavi is incredibly perceptive and smart. As part of his Bookman training, he has developed an eidetic memory; he has perfect recall of anything he is exposed to (though sometimes he forgets to remember things unless prompted).


Physically: Before coming to the Order, Lavi was trained in martial arts by Bookman for the purposes of self-defense. He is also pretty skilled at fighting with a knife.


Magically: Lavi's Innocence takes the form of a war hammer that can change shape at his will. Its formal name is Iron Hammer, though Lavi has nicknamed it "Big Hammer, Little Hammer". Because he is the conformer of Iron Hammer, regardless of the size (which has become as big as a building), the weight for Lavi never changes. Another person would have difficulty lifting it where he does not. The handle of the hammer is also flexible, and can extend the length of yards or even miles.  Iron Hammer's first level of invocation is the changing size.  Its second level of invocation is in the form of "seals" which allow Lavi to control various elements. As Lavi becomes more proficient, he will unlock more seals. Currently, he has the use of Fire, Heaven (Lightning), Wood, and Water, though he has only been seen to use the first three.  He can combine the seals as well for different, stronger attacks.



- His timeline takes place in 1895; he joined the Order in 1892.


- One of his "names" recorded the Wounded Knee Massacre.


- He's a professed atheist, despite wielding a holy weapon. He can accept mystical beings and magic, but is firm in his opinion that gods of any kind don't exist. (i.e.: When you know the sun "moves" in the sky because the Earth is really the one moving, Apollo as sun god cannot exist.)


- He has read most of the Western literary classics (up until his timeline) but prefers non-fiction books/topics.


- He likes to sketch, and can do it from memory, but doesn't have any real personal interest in the Arts aside from the impact on history. (i.e.: He understands and appreciates the contributions of Mozart, but has never been to a performance of his work by choice.)


- He's good at cards, except when he plays with Allen.


- Bookman served as an indulgent teacher (of sorts) with regard to the rites of passage for a human male youth. With regard to alcohol, when Lavi expressed curiosity, Bookman helped him procure his first drink. He also let him get so drunk he was sick (under supervision). With regard to sex, Bookman regarded it as a biological urge that, despite everything, could not be avoided 100%. So, when Lavi hit puberty and into his later teens, Lavi paid a visit to a brothel.  When he expressed some curiosity about sex with men, he went again.  Bookman figured it was the safest course to educate him rather than risk him becoming besotted with some village girl (or boy) and lose his way. All lessons involving "vices" included a long lecture before and afterward about self-discipline and its place in the grand scheme of things. ("Sex is a sometimes-necessary means of satisfying a biological urge and once the urge is taken care of, you can move on to more important things. Bookmen don't get attached to it or their partners." And so on.) (Lavi wasn't very impressed with sex, anyway.)


- The prison convenience store is both fascinating and horrifying. What the hell is in a Twinkie?